Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Re- doing and re-designing the new 2009 Bike-Pgh sticker set!!!
Im really exctied and would like to thank Eric and the rest of the people at the Bike-Pgh office for letting me help out on this.
I will post pictures of the Stickers them selves, once they are printed obviously.
check out bike pittsburgh web page here.
PS. This is strictly volunteer work on my part, I will be receiving no comission.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Two things to say

Today I turned 19, yea, woo-hoo, yeah. enough of that. Secondly I said I was going to put a link to my flickr account up, so here it is.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Its a suprise to me that....

I never posted anything about tour. Well its basically how I spent my whole summer. On the road everyday playing shows, hanging out with 6-7 of my most closest friends. maesion. Well i dont know what more to say.. well heres a picture(s)

Worked hard ,or hardly working? tour tag

North Carolina, the show was at a video game place, with13 xboxes

The sky while on a drive, taking a picture while your driving down a windy mountain with a 15 passenger van and trailer.. .not a good idea

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Damn that blows.

Popped a tire on my way to go make sure Laurens bike wasn't stolen. I had the great idea to go take the spare key to her bike lock and mover her bike down the street and flip it upside down while she was in work. Then started thinking that it would be an easy target for someone to try and steal a wheel i went to go check on it, and half way there my tire decided to suddenly burst into flames.. ok well not exactly flames but it popped for no reason.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Fuji "twatski" Kasicky
b. 1-20-09
So the day after Lauren and I moved in, we got a kitten.
Fuji is the name, and destroying shit is her game


So I started "College" yesterday at Bradford Schools, so far it seems alright. I have checked out as much work from my teachers as possible, well at least one of them. I like what I saw, and was impressed. Im excited to further my knowledge past high school, but I know a better school would have looked better. I posted some of my recent work, and will have better pics of the work it self soon. I should have a photography post up soon with a link to the flickr site. Expect a ton more work to be posted soon.

Recently finished

"Dont Fail A Penguin" 8-27-2009
Acrylic, Paint marker, Spray Paint, Flower-Paste. On canvas
Ill post a better pic soon

"Garbage Flower"
Acrylic, Paint marker, Water color. On canvas-board
On sale at Slackers Southside